
x-Glo And Sustainability: Why x-Glo LEDs Are The Eco-Conscious Choice

ESG in mining is front and centre when it comes to how to take mines into the future. Mining companies need to make eco-conscious choices and invest in green technology in order to not only keep up with ESG standards but also to maintain safer, less negatively impactful operations.

x-Glo Product Spotlight: Introducing Our New Tunnel Light

Innovation in durable light strips is at the forefront of what we do here at x-Glo, and we're thrilled to unveil our latest breakthrough: the x-Glo Tunnel Light. This new addition to our collection of LED light stips was created in collaboration with our esteemed distributors and brought to life by our trusted manufacturing partner, Clear Lighting.

ESG Mining Needs LED Lighting Solutions

Societies cannot function and innovation can’t be supported without the hard work of the mining sector. However, that doesn’t mean that mines shouldn’t adjust how they work in order to improve the industry and create less of an environmental impact. This is where ESG comes in.