ESG Mining Needs LED Lighting Solutions
Over the last few decades, there has been a huge push to make mining a more sustainable industry. Mining is an essential industry – so many things that improve our lives can be traced back to mines around the world.
Societies cannot function and innovation can’t be supported without the hard work of the mining sector. However, that doesn’t mean that mines shouldn’t adjust how they work in order to improve the industry and create less of an environmental impact. This is where ESG comes in.
What Does ESG Stand For?
You’ve probably heard the phrase ESG thrown about, but what does it actually mean?
Standing for environmental, social, and governance, the rise of ESG is in response to climate change, inequality, and the need for a circular economy that focuses on recyclable materials and environmentally-friendly options.
Deloitte says, “Investors, regulators, as well as consumers and employees are now increasingly demanding that companies should not only be good stewards of capital but also of natural and social capital and have the necessary governance framework in place to support this.”
It adds that ESG elements are increasingly becoming commonplace in investment decisions, including mines and mining companies.
Why Is ESG Important In The Mining Industry?
ESG has also made its way into the mining world. One example is the focus on ESG initiatives in the African Mining Indaba, one of the most popular annual mining exhibitions in the world.
“Shareholders are increasingly involved with company executives, and there’s a heightened focus on ESG in assessing mineral resources and reserves. Worries about the carbon footprint and energy intensity of processes and products extend beyond the mine site to downstream manufacturers and upstream suppliers,” explains the African Mining Review.
Adhering to ESG principles is becoming more and more important as it can impact a mine’s options when it comes to funding, investors, obtaining permits, and working with communities and other mining companies.
4 Ways LED Lighting Improves ESG In Mining
LED strip lights are a sustainable lighting solution, aligned with the environmental pillar of ESG.
1. LED Lights Have A Longer Lifespan
x-Glo low voltage LED strip lighting is designed to be energised 365 days a year, 24 hours a day in the toughest environments.
Our strip lights are manufactured with high-grade LEDs that provide a long lifespan, a high level of efficiency, and a superior white light spectrum performance that is equivalent to the midday sun.
What further improves their lifespan is rigorous testing to ensure that the lights are corrosion resistant, impact and shock resistant, fire retardant, and suitable for high humidity environments.
The x-Glo Standard Range has a lifespan of 10 years!
2. LED Lights Do Not Contain Toxic Materials
LED lights do not contain mercury making them environmentally friendly and easier to dispose of at the end of their lifespan. This also helps create a far safer environment for workers.
3. LED Lights Are Recyclable
As LED lights do not contain harmful materials, they are easy to handle and can be recycled easily when it comes time for replacements.
4. LED Lights Need Less Energy Compared With Traditional Lighting
When it comes to sustainability, energy efficiency is key!
The lights in mines need to be extensive – cutting corners eventually catches up to mining companies. In the long run, adopting LED lighting systems can result in impressive savings as these lights convert a higher percentage of electrical energy into visible light, minimising the amount of energy that’s wasted in heat.
ESG seems to be the way of the future in many sectors, including mining. Ensuring setup and processes are in line with environmental, social, and governance pillars goes a long way in making a mine more sustainable and investor-friendly.